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可折叠式周转箱系列 foldable circulating box series 用导电型PP(10的四次方-10的六次方Ω)或普通型PP加工均可 空箱折叠后节省存放空间,使工厂提升生产面积压缩仓储面积,间接性促进工厂提率。 空箱折叠后由于仓储面积压缩,厂房更显得宽敞,使仓库更具灵活应变性,在任何情况下无须将空箱置放户外,避免日晒雨淋导致胶箱的过快老化影响使用寿命。 启用盛装零部件转运到客户处使用完毕后,空箱折叠方便回笼并可降低运输成本。 本产品是采用抗冲击共聚物聚丙烯,较普通箱所用的均聚物聚丙烯抵抗外冲击给产品带来的伤害能力强。 打开箱内体积方正,无脱模斜度,实用容积较普通胶箱大。 此种箱子由6片部件组合安装成型,拆装工艺简单,局部损坏无须整体报废,可更换零部件。 与同类各种结构的折叠箱比较,这种结构设计特点: (1) 地步加强筋密而实。 (2) 侧板整体无接缝,承重性能及外观均优于同类产品。 (3) 侧板无加强筋为全平面,方便客户丝印各种字样以便于区分,并起到广告宣传效应。 应用工序/场地:仓库存放,车间、厂外转运产品。 It saves storage space after folding the empty box and providing more production space by squeezing the stock volume. The production rate is increased indirectly. It makes the factory or warehouse wider and more flexible. No need to keep the plastic box outdoor, avoiding exposing to the weather which will cause fast aging and shorting the service life. Packing and delivering the elements to customers. Get the empty boxes folded after use and it will save transit cost. The product is applied with polypropylene impact copolymer which has stronger resistance to impact than common case in polypropylene. The inside volume of the box is square and upright without draft. It has larger space than common plastic case. The box is assembled with six parts. It’s easy to assemble and disassemble. You can change damaged elements without abandoning the whole box. Comparing to similar foldable box in some other construction, it has following features: a. the box has strong and compact reinforcing rib at bottom. b. There are no seams at side panel. It is better than other similar product in bearing capability and appearance. c. The side panel is flat without reinforcing rib which is convenient for clients to print advertising text or logo. Application process and location: warehouse, workshop , product transferring outside of factory. 型号/styel 外尺寸outside dimension 内尺寸inside dimension SH-301 541*366*190 496*331*170 SH-302 541*366*250 496*331*230 SH-303 541*366*295 496*331*275 SH-304 541*366*325 496*331*305 SH-305 541*366*375 496*331*355 SH-306 540*423*303 495*395*280 SH-307 540*423*412 495*393*392 SH-308 607*495*303 558*458*280 SH-309 607*495*404 558*458*383 SH-310 647*443*280 602*408*260 SH-311 647*443*340 602*408*320 SH-312 770*570*610 730*530*600
“供应可折叠式周转箱系列 foldable circulating box series”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。